Thank you for visiting this resource page. Please use the links below to learn more about the Young Adult Services Study (YASS). Thank you for considering this important opportunity.

Para acceder a este sitio web en español, por favor haga clic aquí.

To provide updates to your contact information online:

You can provide updates to your contact information by entering the PIN (found on the letter received) below:

Enter your PIN now to get started today:

Participated with us in the past? Please click on the links below to learn more about this next phase and the follow-up interview.

YASS Study Fact Sheet
YASS Informed Consent Statement
YASS Showcard Booklet

First time participating? Please click on the links below to learn more about this effort and our follow-up interview.

YASS Study Fact Sheet
YASS Study Informed Consent Statement
YASS Showcard Booklet


Please send us an email at or call us toll-free (877) 475-7054.